Produktionsprozess und Vorteile von recyceltem PP-Granulat

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Produktionsprozess und Vorteile von recyceltem PP-Granulat

11. März 2024

Plastic products are everywhere in our daily lives. However, the disposal of plastic waste has become a global problem. To solve this problem, scientists invented a new material called Recycled PP Granule. Not only can this material effectively utilize waste plastic, it also has many advantages. This article will introduce in detail the production process and advantages of Recycled Pp Granule.

Production process

The production process of Recyceltes PP-Granulat mainly includes the following steps:

1. Collection and classification: First, collect discarded plastic products and classify them. Only plastics of the same type can be recycled together.

2. Cleaning: Clean the collected plastic to remove oil and other impurities.

3. Crushing: Break the cleaned plastic into small pieces to facilitate subsequent processing.

4. Melting and extrusion: The broken plastic sheets are melted at high temperature and then extruded into pellets through an extruder.

5. Cooling and packaging: The extruded plastic granules are cooled and then packaged to obtain the final Recycled Pp Granule.


Recycled Pp Granule has the following main advantages:

1. Environmental protection: The production process of Recycled Pp Granule can effectively utilize discarded plastics, reducing the environmental pollution of plastic waste.

2. Economic benefits: Compared with new plastic materials, Recycled Pp Granule has lower production costs and can help companies save costs.

3. Excellent performance: After scientific processing, the performance of Recycled Pp Granule is equivalent to that of new plastic materials and can meet the needs of various applications.


Recycled Pp Granule is a new material with broad prospects. Its production process is environmentally friendly and economical, and it has excellent performance. With the advancement of technology, Recycled Pp Granule will play a greater role in the future plastics industry.


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